Hobby Lobby and the Birth Control Mandate

Hobby Lobby has been in the news quite a lot lately. The reason has to do with the court cases that the company has filed in regards to the birth control mandate. Here are the facts of the situation. * Hobby Lobby is a Christian chain of stores that sell craft supplies. There are 525 Hobby Lobby stores across the nation. The CEO is David Green. According to Forbes, David Green has a net worth of $4.5 billion. * As of August 1, 2012, all health plans are required to cover women’s preventative health care without charging for a co-pay, … Continue reading

Respect Your Teen’s Values and Beliefs

Sometimes when my 16-year-old talks, especially when it’s about political or moral issues he sounds like me. Now don’t get me wrong, despite his environment obviously influencing him he definitely has his own mind. He is not one to go along with someone else just because. He is his own thinker. The older he gets the more I chuckle at some of his insights, inwardly that is. He is beginning to really sound grown up. He has strong opinions about things and has no problem voicing them. He shares things that are always very interesting. Now some may think that … Continue reading

Find Out if You and Your Partner Are Compatible

Are you are and your partner compatible?’ On the weekend while watching TV we saw an add saying ‘Text Passion and your partner’s name and find out if you’re compatible.’ ‘Shall I text to see if we’re compatible,’ I said. Mick and I looked at each other and laughed. ‘How ridiculous.’ Not the idea of finding out if you are compatible but texting some number to find out. But it did provide a blog idea. If you want to find out if you and your partner are compatible try these ten simple tests. 1. Do you enjoy being together? Would … Continue reading

Hey New Yorker: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

If you have no idea what my title means then dare I say you have not been paying close enough attention. This week, The New Yorker published a cover cartoon that depicted Obama in Muslim garb and Michelle with a machine gun. Yes–it really did. I have to be honest and say that I can’t quite wrap my brain around that editorial decision. A Picture Really Is Worth a Thousand Words Imagery is far more valuable in communicating a message than what you actually say thus the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s why propaganda always has … Continue reading

We Share Our Belief System Through Praise and Discipline

Values and beliefs are not just taught through lectures and organized lessons. In fact, I would argue that is one of the least effective ways to teach our children what we value and believe in as parents. We pass along our belief systems through the things we praise and encourage and the boundaries we set and the type of discipline we choose to use (and what we discipline our children for.) Do you value winning? Participation? Getting along with other? Academics? Risk-taking? Physical strength? Chances are your child can tell you what is important to you based on the things … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for January 14-20

In case anything kept you from reading the Marriage Blog everyday last week, here’s a recap of what Lyn and I wrote on: Monday, January 14 When You Do Not Care for Your Friend’s Partner Lyn discussed something I think we’ve all experienced at one time or another, either being the person to not like a friend’s choice of mate or being the one not liked. She gave some suggestions for how to handle such a situation when it arises. Do Fairy Tales Exist in the Congo? I wondered what kind of fairy tales (if any) the women of the … Continue reading

Discuss Values and Beliefs before Marriage

I have always known that it is important for partners to have common beliefs and ideas. One of these commonalities I feel is in the topic of religion. I have always heard and believed that couples should share the same religious beliefs and values. However, I have never been a hard core person when it comes to denomination. I have the idea that as long as you believe in God and Jesus Christ then the church that you worship in is just a building. I realize that some denominations have very different beliefs. However, I felt that those beliefs mainly … Continue reading

Do We Share What We Believe?

I’m a big fan of “What Not to Wear” on TLC. I love watching people discover a whole new positive self-image as stylists Clinton and Stacy show them how dressing to suit their bodies makes them look more confident. Makeup artist Carmindy and hair stylist Nick also add to the overall look, and it’s a fun show to watch. One of the things I like is the respect Clinton and Stacy show to religious beliefs. They’ve had several Mormons appear, and they are always careful to make sure the hem lengths are where they should be and they never mock … Continue reading

Values Shouldn’t Be a Secret

You may feel pretty secure in knowing what you value and what you are trying to pass on to your child—but does your child know? Often, we just assume that our children will absorb our values and learn to see the world the way we want them too. Of course, our children do develop into people of their own with their own minds and values, but how will they know what WE value, unless we share that with them? Recently, I reacted to something one my children said by saying, “We’re not that sort of a family!” and she answered … Continue reading

Separation of Church and State

There have been many of drawn out debates even among Christians regarding the separation of church and state. Initially the separation was intended to keep the government from establishing a statewide religion, not to keep religion and faith out of the state. Many argue it’s a fallacy that the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, but I very much disagree and believe the proclamation of this belief to be a ploy of the enemy to break down the moral fibers of our nation and ultimately remove God. Just see what some of our founding forefathers had to share about … Continue reading